We are FaceSign

FaceSign was founded by Luke Abrams and David Gonen. We pioneered two-factor authentication as the easy and secure standard for online verification and brought it to a mass market audience. FaceSign is our vision for the future of verification.


David Gonen founded Telesign, which patented and pioneered phone-based two-factor authentication



Luke Abrams deployed Telesign’s multi-factor authentication to billions of accounts as head of Microsoft Accounts


MFA becomes dominant verification method


Biometric solutions become mainstream

(Onfido, Jumio, and others)

(Onfido, Jumio, and others)



Advancements in AI enable a new approach



FaceSign brings the confidence of in-person verification to the digital space


In person, digitized

FaceSign’s mission is to bring the trust and efficiency of face-to-face interactions into all digital encounters. The future of verification is natural, robust, secure, and as personal as you are.

In person, digitized

FaceSign’s mission is to bring the trust and efficiency of face-to-face interactions into all digital encounters. The future of verification is natural, robust, secure, and as personal as you are.

In person, digitized

FaceSign’s mission is to bring the trust and efficiency of face-to-face interactions into all digital encounters. The future of verification is natural, robust, secure, and as personal as you are.

Let’s talk about how FaceSign can elevate your security measures and enhance user experience

Try our demo and experience the future of secure authentication

In person, digitized

@ 2025 FaceSign, LLC

US Patent App.

Let’s talk about how FaceSign can elevate your security measures and enhance user experience

Try our demo and experience the future of secure authentication

In person, digitized

@ 2025 FaceSign, LLC

US Patent App.

Let’s talk about how FaceSign can elevate your security measures and enhance user experience

Try our demo and experience the future of secure authentication

In person, digitized

@ 2025 FaceSign, LLC

US Patent App.